Monday, July 9, 2012

July 6 Update

I am sending this update since Matt is still at camp. I just talked to Melanie, who is down in SLC with J&K. We are trying to keep everyone updated as best we can, so please help us by passing this on to those who need/want to know. At the bottom of this email is the update that Matt sent yesterday morning... I'm not sure that everyone got that. Here's the latest and how you can be praying for Justin and Kristi. Let me know if anything is unclear or if you have questions and I'll do my best to answer them.

Kristi's pain is being managed a lot better now. She still cannot feel her legs. The doctors are very concerned about the tumor on her heart.

Right now they are planning on discharging Kristi tomorrow (Saturday) and have recommended hospice care. That will either happen in SLC or in Boise.

They (J&K) are trying to decide whether or not to make the trip back to Boise and when. If they decide to make the trip back they will need to do it soon - like tomorrow or Sunday at the latest. The hospital will not transport her so she will need to make the trip back to Boise by car.

Kristi was supposed to be starting a trial treatment in Coeur d'Alene on Monday. Whether or not she will do that is still uncertain. The SLC doctors do not think she should.

Justin is trying to get a hold of Dr Zuckerman, Kristi's doctor here in Boise, to get his input on everything.

Please pray:
- For wisdom as J&K decide whether or not to make the trip back to Boise and when to do it.
- For safety and comfort for Kristi if they do make the trip
- For wisdom about the trial in coeur d'alene
- That Justin would be able to talk to Dr Zuckerman and would feel more comfortable with making some of these big decisions
- For Kristi's comfort - she's in a lot of pain, can't sleep, and can't eat much
- Pray for Justin! Lots of really hard decisions to be made.

We will keep everyone posted as best we can and we will also let you know of Justin and Kristi's needs if there are any - childcare, meals, etc.

Thanks for your prayers and support for the Davises!


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